PipeChina Tianjin LNG Terminal
Aug 22,2023

The first domestic floating LNG project, with an annual processing capacity of 2.2 million tons/ year, and the second phase expansion of 6 LNG storage tanks each with a capacity of 220,000 m³, with an annual processing capacity of 7.25 million tons/ year.
Headquarter Address: No.183,Jiandong Road,Zigui County,Yichang City,Hubei Province,China
R&D Center (Wuhan) Address: 17th Floor, Building 1, Zone F, Software Park, Donghu New Technology Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Customer Cooperation: sales@taihevalve.com
Recruitment: hr@taihevalve.com
Supplier Cooperation: biz@taihevalve.com
After-sales and technical support: serve@taihevalve.com
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